Dental Implants can improve your smile dramatically. They can make you feel more self-confident and at ease in social situations.
You don’t have to worry about them slipping or falling out. And, they are quite possibly the best solution for your missing teeth. But, Dental Implants mean more to you than convenience and appearance. They provide many benefits for your health, too.
Here are some great things about Dental Implants beyond the way you look.
Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss
When you have missing teeth, the jaw that would normally support those teeth can begin to deteriorate.
Your jawbone can become soft or uneven. Dental implants are the only type of tooth replacement device that can not only prevent bone loss but can even stimulate bone growth.
Allow You To Get The Vitamins and Minerals You Need
Chewing power is a major health advantage over living with missing teeth or even over some other types of tooth replacements.
Dental implants work just like real teeth. You can eat hard to bite fruits and vegetables like apples and raw broccoli, both of which are valuable additions to a healthy diet. You get more of the vitamins and minerals you need without taking a vitamin supplement.
This is an important point because getting these micronutrients from whole foods has been proven much more effective than taking them in a pill.
Can Help You Lose Weight
When you first get your dental implants, you might be so excited to eat properly that you overindulge. But eventually, you settle down and get back to a regular diet. When you do, you’ll find that you can eat healthier foods than you could before.
Many of our patients report that after getting used to having the implants, they stop relying on soft carbs to fill them up and eat more fruits and vegetables instead. The natural result is often weight loss.
Protect Your Cheeks and Gums
Having a missing tooth opens up a space between your remaining teeth where you can easily catch your cheeks and tongue. If you bite your cheeks, you can cause infections.
And, if you bite your tongue, you may need stitches to allow it to stop bleeding and heal properly. Do you have any idea how painful it is to get stitches on your tongue? Ouch! Suffice it to say, and it isn’t pleasant.
Avoid Damaging Healthy Teeth
Some of the other solutions to missing teeth cause damage to the healthy teeth surrounding the tooth you lost. For example, if your dentist fits you with a bridge, it can allow you to chew and talk fairly normally.
However, to install the bridge, your dentist needs to file down the teeth on each side of the missing teeth. This damages them to a certain extent and leaves them more vulnerable to problems later on. But, with dental implants, your dentist can leave all your other teeth completely intact.
The implant takes the place of the root, right where it was originally located in your jaw.