Toronto Dentist: You Need to Get Started With New Dentist
What You Need to Get Started With Your New Toronto Dentist | Expert Oral Hygiene Tips | Jane Clair Dental Cleanings

What You Need to Get Started With Your New Toronto Dentist

If you haven’t been to the dentist for a while, or if you’re just moving into town, finding the best Toronto dentist can take some effort. Then, once you’ve connected with your new dentist, you’ll need to get started on a positive note.

New Toronto Dentist Checklist: Records, History, & More

A respectful and reliable dentist will understand your hesitancy in trying something new, but it’s also a good idea to do your part in making a smooth transition. Here are some tips for getting started with a new Toronto dentist.

Ask for Your Dental Records to Be Transferred to Your New Toronto Dentist

Your dental records show every procedure and treatment that’s been done to your teeth and gums. The record can be a valuable tool for your new dentist to use in diagnosing dental problems and planning treatments.

It’s your job to ask for past records, but your dental office can help you make that request. It’s a great idea to go in and sign the documents needed to transfer those records before the date of your first appointment with the new dentist if you have time.

Put Together a Detailed Medical History

Your dentist needs to know about any medical conditions that might affect your oral health. Since you’re not a dentist and don’t necessarily know which medical conditions can affect your teeth and gums, it’s a good idea to write up a medical history ahead of your first appointment.

Include all current illnesses, diseases and medical conditions as well as surgeries, medications and past injuries.

Then, when you go into your first appointment with your new Toronto dentist, you can relay this information without fear of forgetting something.

Prepare for Your First Appointment

On the day before your first appointment, you can get ready to have a more satisfying and pleasant meeting with your new dentist. Take a look at the map, usually located on the dentist’s website, to make sure you know how to get to the office.

Put the medical history you’ve prepared in your wallet, glove compartment or purse. Then, get a good night’s sleep so you’ll be more relaxed during this crucial first visit. Take extra care when you go through your daily dental routine.

When you’ve done all these things, you’ll be ready to leave from home or work when your appointment time comes.

Imagine the Best Possible Outcome

Taking care of all the details is only part of the preparation for going to your first visit with a new dentist. You also need to have the right attitude if you want to have the most satisfying experience.

You can do this by taking some time, perhaps while you are on break at work or when you’re waiting for your appointment time, to imagine the best possible results from your association with your new dentist. What would you like to accomplish here? A healthier mouth? A brighter smile? Straighter teeth.

Think of all the various changes you’d like to make to your oral health, and then go into your appointment ready to help your new Toronto dentist make it happen.

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